EA Mode Binary Enum
Represents binary translations for various EA modes
from .ea_mode import EAMode
from ..models.assembly_parameter import AssemblyParameter
from enum import IntEnum
from .op_size import OpSize
[docs]class EAModeBinary(IntEnum):
# Data register direct
MODE_DRD = 0b000
# Address register direct
MODE_ARD = 0b001
# Address register indirect
MODE_ARI = 0b010
# Address register indirect + post increment
MODE_ARIPI = 0b011
# Address register indirect + pre decrement
MODE_ARIPD = 0b100
# Immediate
MODE_IMM = 0b111
# Absolute long address
MODE_ALA = 0b111
# Absolute word address
MODE_AWA = 0b111
# currently missing the offset modes
EAModeBinary.MODE_ALA, EAModeBinary.MODE_AWA]
# currently missing the offset modes
# what the hell should I name this?
# it's the valid destination registers for the 111 mode
# currently missing the offset modes
# what the hell should I name this?
# it's the valid source registers for the 111 mode
# currently missing the offset modes
[docs]def get_mode_and_register_values(mode: EAMode) -> (int, int):
Gets the integer value representing the mode and register values for a given EAMode
for use in the assembly process
:param mode: EAMode to produce binary from
:return:(the integer value of the assembled mode bits, the integer value of the assembled register bits)
return_mode = 0
return_register = 0
# get the return value for the register
if mode.mode in [EAMode.DRD, EAMode.ARD, EAMode.ARI, EAMode.ARIPI, EAMode.ARIPD, EAMode.ARIPD]:
return_register = mode.data
elif mode.mode == EAMode.IMM:
return_register = 0b100
elif mode.mode == EAMode.ALA:
return_register = 0b001
elif mode.mode == EAMode.ALA:
return_register = 0b000
# get the return value for the mode by converting EAMode into EAModeBinary
# this should instead a util method of EAMode
if mode.mode == EAMode.DRD:
return_mode = EAModeBinary.MODE_DRD
if mode.mode == EAMode.ARD:
return_mode = EAModeBinary.MODE_ARD
if mode.mode == EAMode.ARI:
return_mode = EAModeBinary.MODE_ARI
if mode.mode == EAMode.ARIPI:
return_mode = EAModeBinary.MODE_ARIPI
if mode.mode == EAMode.ARIPD:
return_mode = EAModeBinary.MODE_ARIPD
if mode.mode == EAMode.IMM:
return_mode = EAModeBinary.MODE_IMM
if mode.mode == EAMode.ALA:
return_mode = EAModeBinary.MODE_ALA
if mode.mode == EAMode.AWA:
return_mode = EAModeBinary.MODE_AWA
# return both
return return_mode, return_register
[docs]def parse_from_ea_mode_modefirst(mode: EAMode) -> int:
Parses binary EA mode text from an EAMode class, returning the mode data first.
:param mode: The EAMode to produce binary from
:return: The parsed binary
mode, reg = get_mode_and_register_values(mode)
return mode << 3 | reg
[docs]def parse_from_ea_mode_regfirst(mode: EAMode) -> int:
Parses binary EA mode text from an EAMode class, returning the Xn data first.
:param mode: The EAMode to produce binary from
:return: The parsed binary
mode, reg = get_mode_and_register_values(mode)
return reg << 3 | mode
[docs]def parse_ea_from_binary(mode: int, register: int, size: OpSize, is_source: bool, data : bytearray) -> (EAMode, int):
Takes in the paramaters and returns a newly constructed EAMode and the amount of
words of data that it used. If the paramaters were illegal in any way then
(None, 0) is returned
Test that it handles source and destination behaviors properly
>>> parse_ea_from_binary(EAModeBinary.MODE_IMM, EAModeBinary.REGISTER_IMM, OpSize.BYTE, False, bytearray.fromhex('A0'))
(None, 0)
>>> m = parse_ea_from_binary(EAModeBinary.MODE_IMM, EAModeBinary.REGISTER_IMM, OpSize.BYTE, True, bytearray.fromhex('A0'))
>>> str(m[0])
'EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: 160'
>>> m[1]
>>> m = parse_ea_from_binary(EAModeBinary.MODE_DRD, 0b010, OpSize.WORD, True, bytearray())
>>> str(m[0])
'EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 2'
>>> m[1]
>>> m = parse_ea_from_binary(EAModeBinary.MODE_ARI, 0b110, OpSize.LONG, True, bytearray())
>>> str(m[0])
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARI, Data: 6'
>>> m[1]
>>> m = parse_ea_from_binary(EAModeBinary.MODE_ALA, EAModeBinary.REGISTER_ALA, OpSize.LONG, False, bytearray.fromhex('00011000'))
>>> str(m[0])
'EA Mode: EAMode.ALA, Data: 69632'
>>> m[1]
:param mode: the binary mode bits retrieved from the instruction
:param register: the binary register bits retrieved from the instruction
:param size: the alphabetical size (i.e. one of 'BLW')
:param is_source: is this the source or destination ea?
:param data: extra data that follows after the command that might be needed
:return: an EAMode constructed from the given parameters and how many words were used from data
bytesUsed = 0
# check source mode
if is_source and not mode in VALID_SRC_EA_MODES:
return (None, 0)
if not is_source and not mode in VALID_DEST_EA_MODES:
return (None, 0)
ea_data = register
# these only differ when mode is 0b111
ea_mode = mode
# check source register
if mode == 0b111:
if is_source and not register in VALID_SRC_EA_111_REGISTERS:
return (None, 0)
if not is_source and not register in VALID_DEST_EA_111_REGISTERS:
return (None, 0)
# handle the three special cases for when mode is 7
if register == EAModeBinary.REGISTER_AWA:
ea_data = int.from_bytes(data[bytesUsed:bytesUsed+2], 'big')
bytesUsed += 2
ea_mode = 7
elif register == EAModeBinary.REGISTER_ALA:
ea_data = int.from_bytes(data[bytesUsed:bytesUsed+4], 'big')
bytesUsed += 4
ea_mode = 6
elif is_source and register == EAModeBinary.REGISTER_IMM:
if size in [OpSize.WORD, OpSize.BYTE]:
# TODO: Do we check for bytes that the left byte is all
# zeros, or do we do this where we assume the assembler is right
ea_data = int.from_bytes(data[bytesUsed:bytesUsed+2], 'big')
bytesUsed += 2
else: #must be L
ea_data = int.from_bytes(data[bytesUsed:bytesUsed+4], 'big')
bytesUsed += 4
ea_mode = 5
return (None, 0)
# map the ea mode integer to the enum
if ea_mode == 0:
ea_mode = EAMode.DRD
elif ea_mode == 1:
ea_mode = EAMode.ARD
elif ea_mode == 2:
ea_mode = EAMode.ARI
elif ea_mode == 3:
ea_mode = EAMode.ARIPI
elif ea_mode == 4:
ea_mode = EAMode.ARIPD
elif ea_mode == 5:
ea_mode = EAMode.IMM
elif ea_mode == 6:
ea_mode = EAMode.ALA
elif ea_mode == 7:
ea_mode = EAMode.AWA
return (AssemblyParameter(ea_mode, ea_data), bytesUsed//2)