Assembly Parameter
Represents a single parameter in assembly code
this is the new 'EAMode' class
from ..enum.ea_mode import EAMode
from ..enum.register import Register, ALL_ADDRESS_REGISTERS
from ...simulator.m68k import M68K
from ..util.conversions import to_word
from ..models.memory_value import MemoryValue
from ..enum.op_size import OpSize
# should try to make this a constant only defined once
MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION = 16777216 # 2^24
[docs]class AssemblyParameter:
def __init__(self, mode: EAMode, data: int):
Checks that the mode and the data are considered to be valid, like
registers are within the correct bounds and addresses are not out of bounds.
# ensure that the values are valid
# when referencing a register, ensure that the data is within [0, 7]
if mode in [EAMode.DataRegisterDirect, EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirectPreDecrement,
EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirect, EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirectPostIncrement,
assert 0 <= data <= 7, 'The register number for this mode must be in the range [0, 7]!'
if mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress, EAMode.AbsoluteLongAddress]:
# ensure that the address isn't outside the bounds of max memory location
# and is greater than or eq to 0
assert 0 <= data <= MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION, 'An absolute address must be in the bounds [0, 2^24]!'
if mode is EAMode.Immediate:
# ensure that the value isn't too large, cannot be larger than a long word
# negative values need to be converted into unsigned integers
assert -2147483648 <= data <= 2147483647 or 0 <= data <= 0xFFFFFFFF, 'Value must fit inside a long word!'
# set values
self.mode = mode
self.data = data
def __str__(self):
str util method
return "EA Mode: {}, Data: {}".format(self.mode, self.data)
[docs] def get_value(self, simulator: M68K, length: OpSize = OpSize.WORD) -> MemoryValue:
Gets the value for this EAMode from the simulator
:param simulator: reference to the 68k simulator
:param length: the length in bytes associated with this operation, must be 1 2 or 4
:return: the value associated with this assembly parameter
# this check is probably useless now that the enum is being used
assert length in [OpSize.BYTE, OpSize.WORD, OpSize.LONG], 'The length for this operation must be 1 2 or 4 bytes!'
# immediates are assumed to be signed values
if self.mode is EAMode.IMM:
ret = MemoryValue(OpSize(length))
if self.data < 0:
return ret
if self.mode is EAMode.DRD:
# convert the data into the register value
assert 0 <= self.data <= 7
data_register = Register(self.data)
return simulator.get_register(data_register)
if self.mode is EAMode.AddressRegisterDirect:
# address register direct gets the value of the register
assert Register.A0 <= self.data + Register.A0 <= Register.A7
# offset the value to compensate for the enum offset
addr_register = Register(self.data + Register.A0)
# get the value of the register, that's it
return simulator.get_register(addr_register)
if self.mode is EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirect:
# address register indirect gets the value that the register points to
# check that the register number is valid
assert Register.A0.value <= self.data + Register.A0.value <= Register.A7.value
# offset the value to compensate for the enum offset
addr_register = Register(self.data + Register.A0.value)
# this gets the value of the register, which points to a location
# in memory where the target value is
register_value = simulator.get_register(addr_register)
# now get the value in memory of that register
val = simulator.memory.get(length, register_value.get_value_unsigned())
return val
if self.mode is EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirectPostIncrement:
# address register indirect gets the value that the register points to
# check that the register number is valid
assert Register.A0.value <= self.data + Register.A0.value <= Register.A7.value
# offset the value to compensate for the enum offset
addr_register = Register(self.data + Register.A0.value)
# this gets the value of the register, which points to a location
# in memory where the target value is
register_value = simulator.get_register(addr_register)
# now get the value in memory of that register
val = simulator.memory.get(OpSize.LONG, register_value.get_value_unsigned())
total = register_value.get_value_unsigned() + OpSize.LONG.value
mv = MemoryValue(OpSize.LONG, unsigned_int=total)
# do the post increment
simulator.set_register(addr_register, mv)
return val
if self.mode is EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirectPreDecrement:
# address register indirect gets the value that the register points to
# check that the register number is valid
assert Register.A0 <= self.data + Register.A0 <= Register.A7
# offset the value to compensate for the enum offset
addr_register = Register(self.data + Register.A0)
# this gets the value of the register, which points to a location
# in memory where the target value is
register_value = simulator.get_register(addr_register)
total = register_value.get_value_unsigned() - OpSize.LONG.value
mv = MemoryValue(OpSize.LONG, unsigned_int=total)
# do the pre decrement (this does not update the value of register_value)
simulator.set_register(addr_register, mv)
# now get the value in memory of that register
# and return that value
return simulator.memory.get(OpSize.LONG, register_value.get_value_unsigned())
if self.mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteLongAddress, EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress]:
# if mode is absolute long or word address
# then get the value in memory for that value
# ensure that the data is valid
assert 0 <= self.data <= MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION, 'The address must be in the range [0, 2^24]!'
# get the address being looked for
addr = self.data
# if word address, mask out extra bits
if self.mode is EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress:
addr = to_word(addr)
# now get the value of that absolute long address
return MemoryValue(OpSize.LONG, unsigned_int=addr)
# if nothing was done by now, surely something must be wrong
assert False, 'Invalid effective addressing mode!'
[docs] def set_value(self, simulator: M68K, value: MemoryValue):
Sets the value of a destination mode
:param simulator: the reference to the simulator
:param value: the value to set for this assembly parameter
:param length: the number of bits associated for this instruction, must be 1 2 or 4
if not isinstance(value, MemoryValue):
raise AssertionError("The value parameter must be of type MemoryValue")
if self.mode is EAMode.Immediate:
assert False, 'Cannot set the value of an immediate.'
if self.mode is EAMode.DRD:
# set the value for the data register
assert 0 <= self.data <= 7
data_register = Register(self.data)
simulator.set_register(data_register, value)
if self.mode is EAMode.AddressRegisterDirect:
# set the value for the address register
# only ensure that it is referring to a valid address register
# since this is a direct addressing mode, and not treated as a 'pointer'
# to memory, this is not bounded by the number of address lines
assert 0 <= self.data <= 7
addr_register = Register(self.data + Register.A0)
simulator.set_register(addr_register, value)
if self.mode is EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirect:
# sets the value in memory that the address register points to
assert 0 <= self.data <= 7
assert 0 <= value.get_value_unsigned() <= MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION, 'The value must fit in the memory space [0, 2^24]'
addr_register = Register(self.data + Register.A0)
location = simulator.get_register(addr_register).get_value_unsigned()
simulator.memory.set(value.length, location, value)
if self.mode is EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirectPreDecrement:
# sets the value in memory that the address register points to
assert 0 <= self.data <= 7
assert 0 <= value.get_value_unsigned() <= MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION, 'The value must fit in the memory space [0, 2^24]'
addr_register = Register(self.data + Register.A0)
location = simulator.get_register(addr_register).get_value_unsigned()
location -= value.length.get_number_of_bytes()
simulator.set_register(addr_register, MemoryValue(OpSize.LONG, unsigned_int=location))
simulator.memory.set(value.length, location, value)
if self.mode is EAMode.AddressRegisterIndirectPostIncrement:
# sets the value in memory that the address register points to
assert 0 <= self.data <= 7
assert 0 <= value.get_value_unsigned() <= MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION, 'The value must fit in the memory space [0, 2^24]'
addr_register = Register(self.data + Register.A0)
location = simulator.get_register(addr_register).get_value_unsigned()
simulator.memory.set(value.length, location, value)
location += value.length.get_number_of_bytes()
simulator.set_register(addr_register, MemoryValue(OpSize.LONG, unsigned_int=location))
if self.mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteLongAddress, EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress]:
# assert that the value fits in the bounds of memory
assert 0 <= self.data <= MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION
assert 0 <= value.get_value_unsigned() <= 0xFFFFFFFF, 'The value must fit inside of a long word!'
# if the mode is a word
if self.mode is EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress:
# mask it to only be a word
value = MemoryValue(value.length, unsigned_int=to_word(value.get_value_unsigned()))
# set the value in memory to that
simulator.memory.set(value.length, self.data, value)