from ...core.enum.ea_mode import EAMode
from ...core.enum.op_size import OpSize
from ...core.enum import ea_mode_bin
from ...core.enum.ea_mode_bin import parse_ea_from_binary
from ...simulator.m68k import M68K
from ...core.opcodes.opcode import Opcode
from ...core.util.split_bits import split_bits
from ...core.util import opcode_util
from ..util.parsing import parse_assembly_parameter
from ..models.assembly_parameter import AssemblyParameter
from ..enum.condition_status_code import ConditionStatusCode
from ..models.memory_value import MemoryValue, mask_value_for_length
[docs]class Cmpi(Opcode):
CMPI: Compare Immediate
Operation: Destination - Immediate Data -> cc
Assembler Syntax: CMPI #<data>, <ea>
Attributes: Size = (Byte, Word, Long)
Description: Subtracts the immediate data from the destination operand
and sets the condition codes according to the result;
the destination location is not changed.
The size of the operation may be specified as byte, word, or long.
The size of the immediate data matches the operation size.
Condition Codes: X - Not affected
N - Set if the result is negative; cleared otherwise.
Z - Set if the result is zero; cleared otherwise.
V - Set if an overflow occurs; cleared otherwise.
C - Set if a borrow occurs; cleared otherwise.
Instruction Format: 0100111010 Signature xxx EAMode xxx EARegister
Instruction Fields:
Size field - Specifies the size of the operation.
00 - Byte operation
01 - Word operation
10 - Long operation
Effective Address field - Specifies the address of the next instruction.
Only data addressing modes can be used.
Valid Modes - Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (xxx).W, (xxx).L
Immediate field - Data immediately following the instruction.
If size = 00, the data is the low-order byte of the immediate word
If size = 01, the data is the entire immediate word.
If size = 10, the data is the next two immediate words.
# the allowed sizes for this opcode
valid_sizes = [OpSize.BYTE, OpSize.WORD, OpSize.LONG]
def __init__(self, params: list, size: OpSize = OpSize.WORD):
# ensure that the parameters are valid
assert len(params) == 2
assert isinstance(params[0], AssemblyParameter)
assert isinstance(params[1], AssemblyParameter)
# source can only be immediate data
assert params[0].mode == EAMode.Immediate
# destination can be any EA mode
# except for An and immediate
assert params[1].mode != EAMode.AddressRegisterDirect and params[1].mode != EAMode.Immediate
self.src = params[0]
self.dest = params[1]
assert size in Cmpi.valid_sizes
self.size = size
[docs] def assemble(self) -> bytearray:
Assembles this opcode into a bytearray to be inserted into memory
:return: The bytearray which represents this assembled opcode
# 00001100 signature xx size xxx EAMode xxx EARegister
ret_opcode = 0b00001100 << 8
# add the size
if self.size == OpSize.BYTE:
ret_opcode |= 0b00 << 6
elif self.size == OpSize.WORD:
ret_opcode |= 0b01 << 6
elif self.size == OpSize.LONG:
ret_opcode |= 0b10 << 6
ret_opcode |= ea_mode_bin.parse_from_ea_mode_modefirst(self.dest) << 0
ret_bytes = bytearray(ret_opcode.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big', signed=False))
# extend to include source
ret_bytes.extend(opcode_util.ea_to_binary_post_op(self.src, self.size).get_value_bytearray())
# extend to include destination (if needed)
if self.dest.mode == EAMode.IMM or self.dest.mode == EAMode.AWA or self.dest.mode == EAMode.ALA:
ret_bytes.extend(opcode_util.ea_to_binary_post_op(self.dest, self.size).get_value_bytearray())
return ret_bytes
[docs] def execute(self, simulator: M68K):
Executes this command in the simulator
Subtracts the source operand from the destination operand and
set the condition codes accordingly. The source must be an
immediate number. The destination is not modified by this instruction.
:param simulator: the simulator that this opcode is being run on
# get the src and dest values
src_val = self.src.get_value(simulator, self.size.get_number_of_bytes())
dest_val = self.dest.get_value(simulator, self.size.get_number_of_bytes())
comparison = dest_val.get_value_signed() - src_val.get_value_signed()
raw_total = dest_val.get_value_unsigned() - src_val.get_value_unsigned()
comp_mv = dest_val - src_val
# mask out only the bits we need/want
comp_mv = MemoryValue(self.size,
unsigned_int=mask_value_for_length(self.size, comp_mv.get_value_unsigned()))
negative = False
if self.size is OpSize.BYTE:
negative = comparison & 0x80 > 0
elif self.size is OpSize.WORD:
negative = comparison & 0x8000 > 0
elif self.size is OpSize.LONG:
negative = comparison & 0x80000000 > 0
# Overflow occurs when a sign change occurs where it shouldn't occur.
# For example: positive - negative != negative.
# This doesn't make sense, so an overflow occurs
overflow = False
if src_val.get_negative() is False:
if dest_val.get_negative() is True:
if raw_total > 0 and raw_total & 0x80000000 > 0:
overflow = True
# set register whomst have status
simulator.set_ccr_reg(None, negative, (comparison == 0), overflow, (raw_total < 0))
# set the number of bytes to increment equal to the length of the
# instruction (1 word)
to_increment = OpSize.WORD.value
# Increment by size
to_increment += OpSize.LONG.value if self.size == OpSize.LONG else OpSize.WORD.value
# any additional increments by destination value
if self.dest.mode is EAMode.AbsoluteLongAddress:
to_increment += OpSize.LONG.value
if self.dest.mode is EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress:
to_increment += OpSize.WORD.value
# increment PC
def __str__(self):
return 'CMPI Size {}, Src {}, Dest {}'.format(self.size, self.src, self.dest)
[docs] @classmethod
def command_matches(cls, command: str) -> bool:
Checks whether a command string is an instance of this command type
This will only allow for CMPI. Not CMPA, CMP, CMPM. While CMPI is not
checking for the types that would make it actually one of these
different types, those instructions must be implemented separately.
:param command: The command string to check 'CMPI.W', 'CMPI'
:return: Whether the string is an instance of CMPI
return opcode_util.command_matches(command, 'CMPI')
[docs] @classmethod
def get_word_length(cls, command: str, parameters: str) -> int:
Gets the length of this command in memory, including the length of
the single opcode and the length of any immediate parameter values
>>> Cmpi.get_word_length('CMPI', '#123, D3')
>>> Cmpi.get_word_length('CMPI.L', '#12345678, D1')
>>> Cmpi.get_word_length('CMPI.W', '#$FFFF, (A2)+')
>>> Cmpi.get_word_length('CMPI.L', '#12345678, (A7)')
>>> Cmpi.get_word_length('CMPI.W', '#$FFFF, ($AAAA).W')
>>> Cmpi.get_word_length('CMPI.L', '#12345678, ($AAAA).L')
:param command:
:param parameters:
# split the command to get the size, if specified
parts = command.split('.')
if len(parts) == 1:
size = OpSize.WORD
size = OpSize.parse(parts[1])
params = parameters.split(',')
# parse the src and dest parameters
src = parse_assembly_parameter(params[0].strip())
dest = parse_assembly_parameter(params[1].strip())
# length is at least either 2 or 3 depending on size
length = 3 if size == OpSize.LONG else 2
if dest.mode == EAMode.AWA:
# appends a word
length += 1
if dest.mode == EAMode.ALA:
# appends a long
length += 2
return length
[docs] @classmethod
def is_valid(cls, command: str, parameters: str) -> (bool, list):
Tests whether the given command is valid
>>> Cmpi.is_valid('CMPI', '#123, D1')[0]
>>> Cmpi.is_valid('CMP.', '#123, D7')[0]
:param command:
:param parameters:
# don't bother with param invalid modes
return opcode_util.n_param_is_valid(
[docs] @classmethod
def disassemble_instruction(cls, data: bytes) -> Opcode:
CMPI.W #123,D7
>>> op = Cmpi.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('0C47007B'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: 123'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 7'
Disassembles the instruction into an instance of the CMP class
:param data:
assert len(data) >= 2, 'Opcode size must be at least 1 word'
first_word = int.from_bytes(data[0:2], 'big')
ea_reg_bin] = split_bits(first_word, [8, 2, 3, 3])
# ensure that this is the correct opcode
if opcode_bin != 0b00001100:
return None
src = None
dest = None
size = None
words_used = 1
if size_bin == 0b00:
size = OpSize.BYTE
elif size_bin == 0b01:
size = OpSize.WORD
elif size_bin == 0b10:
size = OpSize.LONG
return None
src_size = 4 if size == OpSize.LONG else 2
src_value = int.from_bytes(data[2:2+src_size], 'big')
src = AssemblyParameter(EAMode.Immediate, src_value)
dest = parse_ea_from_binary(ea_mode_binary, ea_reg_bin, size, True, data[words_used * 2:])[0]
# make a new reference of this type
return cls([src, dest], size)
def __str__(self):
return 'CMPI Size {}, Src {}, Dest {}'.format(self.size, self.src, self.dest)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_str(self, command: str, parameters: str):
Parses a CMPI from text.
>>> str(Cmpi.from_str('CMPI.B', '#1337, D1'))
'CMPI Size OpSize.BYTE, Src EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: 1337, Dest EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 1'
:param command: The command itself 'CMPI' 'CMPI.B', etc.
:param parameters: The parameters after the command
:return: The parsed command
return opcode_util.n_param_from_str(command, parameters, Cmpi, 2, OpSize.WORD)