from ...core.enum.ea_mode import EAMode
from ...core.enum.op_size import MoveSize, OpSize
from ...core.enum import ea_mode_bin
from ...core.enum.ea_mode_bin import parse_ea_from_binary
from ...simulator.m68k import M68K
from ...core.opcodes.opcode import Opcode
from ...core.util.split_bits import split_bits
from ...core.util import opcode_util
from ..util.parsing import parse_assembly_parameter, from_str_util
from ..models.assembly_parameter import AssemblyParameter
class Move(Opcode): # Forward declaration
[docs]class Move(Opcode):
MOVE: Move Data from Source to Destination
Operation: Source → Destination
Syntax: MOVE < ea > , < ea >
Attributes: Size = (Byte, Word, Long)
Description: Moves the data at the source to the destination location and sets the
condition codes according to the data. The size of the operation may be specified as
byte, word, or long.
Condition Codes:
X — Not affected.
N — Set if the result is negative; cleared otherwise.
Z — Set if the result is zero; cleared otherwise.
V — Always cleared.
C — Always cleared.
Size field: Specifies the size of the operand to be moved.
01 — Byte operation
11 — Word operation
10 — Long operation
Source Effective Address field—Specifies the source operand. All addressing modes
can be used as listed in the following tables:
NOTE: Most assemblers use MOVEA when the destination is an
address register. MOVEQ can be used to move an immediate 8-bit value to a data
# Allowed sizes for this opcode
valid_sizes = [OpSize.BYTE, OpSize.WORD, OpSize.LONG]
def __init__(self, params: list, size: OpSize = OpSize.WORD):
assert len(params) == 2
assert isinstance(params[0], AssemblyParameter)
assert isinstance(params[1], AssemblyParameter)
# Check that the src is of the proper type (for example, can't move from an address register for a move command)
assert params[0].mode != EAMode.ARD # Only invalid src is address register direct
self.src = params[0]
# Check that the destination is of a proper type
assert params[1].mode != EAMode.ARD and params[
1].mode != EAMode.IMM # Can't take address register direct or immediates
self.dest = params[1]
# Check that this is a valid size (for example, 'MOVEA.B' is not a valid command)
assert size in Move.valid_sizes
self.size = size
[docs] def assemble(self) -> bytearray:
Assembles this opcode into hex to be inserted into memory
:return: The hex version of this opcode
# 00 <size> <dest reg> <dest mode> <src mode> <src reg>
ret_opcode = 0
# can ignore the zero MSB
# ret_opcode = 00 << 13
# add the size
ret_opcode |= MoveSize.from_op_size(self.size) << 12
# add the destination reg and dest mode
ret_opcode |= ea_mode_bin.parse_from_ea_mode_regfirst(self.dest) << 6
# add the src mode and src reg
ret_opcode |= ea_mode_bin.parse_from_ea_mode_modefirst(self.src)
# convert the opcode word to bytes
ret_bytes = bytearray(ret_opcode.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big', signed=False))
# append the immediates / absolute addresses after the command opcode
# this data can be done if the value is not an immediate or absolute addr
data_to_append = (opcode_util.ea_to_binary_post_op(self.src, self.size),
opcode_util.ea_to_binary_post_op(self.dest, self.size))
for data in data_to_append:
if data is not None:
return ret_bytes
[docs] def execute(self, simulator: M68K):
Executes this command in a simulator
:param simulator: The simulator to execute the command on
:return: Nothing
# get the value of src from the simulator
src_val = self.src.get_value(simulator, self.size)
# and set the value
self.dest.set_value(simulator, src_val)
# increment the program counter by the length of the instruction (1 word)
to_increment = OpSize.WORD.value
if self.src.mode in [EAMode.Immediate]:
# add the length of the size of the operation, in words
if self.size is OpSize.BYTE:
to_increment += OpSize.WORD.value
to_increment += self.size.value
# if followed by a long addr, add the length of the long
if self.src.mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteLongAddress]:
to_increment += OpSize.LONG.value
# same goes with a word
if self.src.mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress]:
to_increment += OpSize.WORD.value
# repeat for the dest
if self.dest.mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteLongAddress]:
to_increment += OpSize.LONG.value
if self.dest.mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress]:
to_increment += OpSize.WORD.value
# get the current program counter
pc_val = simulator.get_program_counter_value()
# set the program counter value
def __str__(self):
# Makes this a bit easier to read in doctest output
return 'Move command: Size {}, src {}, dest {}'.format(self.size, self.src, self.dest)
[docs] @classmethod
def command_matches(cls, command: str) -> bool:
Checks whether a command string is an instance of this command type
:param command: The command string to check (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:return: Whether the string is an instance of this command type
return opcode_util.command_matches(command, 'MOVE')
[docs] @classmethod
def get_word_length(cls, command: str, parameters: str) -> int:
>>> Move.get_word_length('MOVE', 'D0, D1')
>>> Move.get_word_length('MOVE.L', '#$90, D3')
>>> Move.get_word_length('MOVE.W', '#$90, D3')
>>> Move.get_word_length('MOVE.W', '($AAAA).L, D7')
>>> Move.get_word_length('MOVE.W', 'D0, ($BBBB).L')
>>> Move.get_word_length('MOVE.W', '($AAAA).L, ($BBBB).L')
>>> Move.get_word_length('MOVE.W', '#$AAAA, ($BBBB).L')
Gets what the end length of this command will be in memory
:param command: The text of the command itself (e.g. "LEA", "MOVE.B", etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command
:return: The length of the bytes in memory in words, as well as a list of warnings or errors encountered
valid, issues = cls.is_valid(command, parameters)
if not valid:
return None
# We can forego asserts in here because we've now confirmed this is valid assembly code
issues = [] # Set up our issues list (warnings + errors)
parts = command.split('.') # Split the command by period to get the size of the command
if len(parts) == 1: # Use the default size
size = OpSize.WORD
size = OpSize.parse(parts[1])
# Split the parameters into EA modes
params = parameters.split(',')
src = parse_assembly_parameter(params[0].strip()) # Parse the source and make sure it parsed right
dest = parse_assembly_parameter(params[1].strip())
length = 1 # Always 1 word not counting additions to end
if src.mode == EAMode.IMM: # If we're moving an immediate we have to append the value afterwards
if size == OpSize.LONG:
length += 2 # Longs are 2 words long
length += 1 # This is a word or byte, so only 1 word
if src.mode == EAMode.AWA: # Appends a word
length += 1
if src.mode == EAMode.ALA: # Appends a long, so 2 words
length += 2
if dest.mode == EAMode.AWA: # Appends a word
length += 1
if dest.mode == EAMode.ALA: # Appends a long, so 2 words
length += 2
return length
[docs] @classmethod
def is_valid(cls, command: str, parameters: str) -> (bool, list):
Tests whether the given command is valid
>>> Move.is_valid('MOVE.B', 'D0, D1')[0]
>>> Move.is_valid('MOVE.W', 'D0')[0]
>>> Move.is_valid('MOVE.G', 'D0, D1')[0]
>>> Move.is_valid('MOVE.L', 'D0, A2')[0]
>>> Move.is_valid('MOV.L', 'D0, D1')[0]
>>> Move.is_valid('MOVE.', 'D0, D1')[0]
:param command: The command itself (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command (such as the source and destination of a move)
:return: Whether the given command is valid and a list of issues/warnings encountered
return opcode_util.n_param_is_valid(command, parameters, "MOVE", 2, param_invalid_modes=[[EAMode.ARD],
[docs] @classmethod
def disassemble_instruction(cls, data: bytearray) -> Opcode:
This has a non-move opcode
>>> Move.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('5E01'))
>>> op = Move.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('1E01'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 1'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 7'
MOVE.L (A4),(A7)
>>> op = Move.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('2E94'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARI, Data: 4'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARI, Data: 7'
>>> op = Move.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('34FCDEAF'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: 57007'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARIPI, Data: 2'
MOVE.L ($1000).W,($200000).L
>>> op = Move.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('23F8100000200000'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.AWA, Data: 4096'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ALA, Data: 2097152'
Parses some raw data into an instance of the opcode class
:param data: The data used to convert into an opcode instance
:return: The constructed instance or none if there was an error and
the amount of data in words that was used (e.g. extra for immediate
data) or 0 for not a match
assert len(data) >= 2, 'opcode size is at least 1 word'
# 'big' endian byte order
first_word = int.from_bytes(data[0:2], 'big')
source_register_bin] = split_bits(first_word, [2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3])
# check opcode
if opcode_bin != 0b00:
return None
# the binary will contain the MoveSize, convert this to an OpSize used by everything else
size = MoveSize(size_bin).to_op_size()
# check size
if size not in Move.valid_sizes:
return None
wordsUsed = 1
src_EA = parse_ea_from_binary(source_mode_bin, source_register_bin, size, True, data[wordsUsed * 2:])
wordsUsed += src_EA[1]
dest_EA = parse_ea_from_binary(destination_mode_bin, destination_register_bin, size, False,
data[wordsUsed * 2:])
# when making the new Move, need to convert that MoveSize back into an OpSize
return cls((src_EA[0], dest_EA[0]), size)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_str(cls, command: str, parameters: str):
Parses a MOVE command from text.
>>> str(Move.from_str('MOVE.B', '-(A0), D1'))
'Move command: Size OpSize.BYTE, src EA Mode: EAMode.ARIPD, Data: 0, dest EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 1'
>>> str(Move.from_str('MOVE.L', 'D3, (A0)'))
'Move command: Size OpSize.LONG, src EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 3, dest EA Mode: EAMode.ARI, Data: 0'
:param command: The command itself (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command (such as the source and destination of a move)
:return: The parsed command
return opcode_util.n_param_from_str(command, parameters, Move, 2, OpSize.WORD)