from ...core.enum.ea_mode import EAMode
from ...core.enum import ea_mode_bin
from ...core.opcodes.opcode import Opcode
from ...simulator.m68k import M68K
from ...core.enum.ea_mode_bin import parse_ea_from_binary
from ...core.models.assembly_parameter import AssemblyParameter
from ...core.util import opcode_util
from ..util.parsing import parse_assembly_parameter
from ...core.enum.op_size import OpSize
from ..util.split_bits import split_bits
[docs]class Movea(Opcode):
MOVEA: Move Address
Operation: Source -> Destination
Assembler Syntax: MOVEA <ea>, An
Attributes: Size = (Word, Long)
Description: Moves the contents of the source to the destination address register.
The size of the operation is specified as word or long.
Word-size source operands are sign-extended to 32-bit quantities.
Condition Codes: Not affected
Instruction Format: 00 Signature xx Size xxx DestRegister 001 Const xxx EAMode xxx EARegister
Instruction Fields:
Size field - Specifies the size of the operation.
11 - Word operation
10 - Long operation
Destination Register field- specifies the destination address register.
Effective Address field - Specifies the location of the source operand.
All addressing modes can be used.
Valid Modes - All
# Allowed sizes for this opcode
valid_sizes = [OpSize.WORD, OpSize.LONG]
def __init__(self, params: list, size: OpSize = OpSize.WORD):
assert len(params) == 2
assert isinstance(params[0], AssemblyParameter)
assert isinstance(params[1], AssemblyParameter)
self.src = params[0]
# Check that the destination is of a proper type
assert params[1].mode == EAMode.ARD # Can only take address register direct
self.dest = params[1]
# Check that this is a valid size (for example, 'ADDA.B' is not a valid command)
assert size in Movea.valid_sizes
self.size = size
[docs] def assemble(self) -> bytearray:
Assembles this opcode into hex to be inserted into memory
:return: The hex version of this opcode
# create the opcode
ret_opcode = 0 << 14
ret_opcode |= (0b11 if self.size == OpSize.WORD else 0b10) << 12
ret_opcode |= << 9
ret_opcode |= 0b001 << 6
ret_opcode |= ea_mode_bin.parse_from_ea_mode_modefirst(self.src) << 0
ret_bytes = bytearray(ret_opcode.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big', signed=False))
src_mode = self.src.mode
if src_mode == EAMode.IMM or src_mode == EAMode.AWA or src_mode == EAMode.ALA:
to_extend = opcode_util.ea_to_binary_post_op(self.src, self.size).get_value_bytearray()
return ret_bytes
[docs] def execute(self, simulator: M68K):
Executes this command in a simulator
:param simulator: The simulator to execute the command on
:return: None
# get the length
val_length = self.size.get_number_of_bytes()
# get the value of src from the simulator
src_val = self.src.get_value(simulator, val_length)
# set the value of dest from the simulator
self.dest.set_value(simulator, src_val)
# increment the program counter by the length of the instruction (1 word)
to_increment = OpSize.WORD.value
if self.src.mode in [EAMode.Immediate]:
# add the length of the size of the operation, in words
to_increment += self.size.value
# if followed by a long addr, add the length of the long
elif self.src.mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteLongAddress]:
to_increment += OpSize.LONG.value
# same goes with a word
elif self.src.mode in [EAMode.AbsoluteWordAddress]:
to_increment += OpSize.WORD.value
# set the program counter value
def __str__(self):
# Makes this a bit easier to read in doctest output
return 'Movea command: Size {}, src {}, dest {}'.format(self.size, self.src, self.dest)
[docs] @classmethod
def command_matches(cls, command: str) -> bool:
Checks whether a command string is an instance of this command type
:param command: The command string to check (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:return: Whether the string is an instance of this command type
return opcode_util.command_matches(command, 'ADDA')
[docs] @classmethod
def get_word_length(cls, command: str, parameters: str) -> int:
>>> Movea.get_word_length('MOVEA.W', 'D0, A1')
>>> Movea.get_word_length('MOVEA.W', '#$90, A0')
>>> Movea.get_word_length('MOVEA.L', '#$90, A3')
>>> Movea.get_word_length('MOVEA.W', '#$90, A3')
>>> Movea.get_word_length('MOVEA.W', '(A0), A1')
>>> Movea.get_word_length('MOVEA.W', '#$ABCDE, A0')
>>> Movea.get_word_length('MOVEA.L', '($AAAA).L, A6')
>>> Movea.get_word_length('MOVEA.W', '($AAAA).W, A5')
Gets what the end length of this command will be in memory
:param command: The text of the command itself (e.g. "LEA", "MOVE.B", etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command
:return: The length of the bytes in memory in words,
as well as a list of warnings or errors encountered
valid, issues = cls.is_valid(command, parameters)
if not valid:
return 0
# We can forego asserts in here because we've now confirmed this is valid assembly code
parts = command.split('.') # Split the command by period to get the size of the command
if len(parts) == 1: # Use the default size
size = OpSize.WORD
size = OpSize.parse(parts[1])
# Split the parameters into EA modes
params = parameters.split(',')
if len(params) != 2: # We need exactly 2 parameters
issues.append(('Invalid syntax (missing a parameter/too many parameters)', 'ERROR'))
return 0
# Parse the source and make sure it parsed right
src = parse_assembly_parameter(params[0].strip())
length = 1 # Always 1 word not counting additions to end
# If we're moving an immediate we have to append the value afterwards
if src.mode == EAMode.IMM:
if size == OpSize.LONG:
length += 2
length += 1
elif src.mode == EAMode.AWA: # Appends a word
length += 1
elif src.mode == EAMode.ALA: # Appends a long, so 2 words
length += 2
return length
[docs] @classmethod
def is_valid(cls, command: str, parameters: str) -> (bool, list):
Tests whether the given command is valid
>>> Movea.is_valid('MOVEA', '(A0), A1')[0]
>>> Movea.is_valid('MOVEA.W', '(A0)+')[0]
>>> Movea.is_valid('MOVE.B', '(A0), A1')[0]
>>> Movea.is_valid('MOVEA.W', 'D0, A2')[0]
>>> Movea.is_valid('MOVEA.L', '#$0A, A4')[0]
>>> Movea.is_valid('MOVEA.L', '($AAAA).L, A7')[0]
:param command: The command itself (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command
(such as the source and destination of a move)
:return: Whether the given command is valid and a list of issues/warnings encountered
return opcode_util.n_param_is_valid(command, parameters, "MOVEA", 2, Movea.valid_sizes)
[docs] @classmethod
def disassemble_instruction(cls, data: bytearray) -> Opcode:
This has a non-movea opcode
>>> Movea.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('1E00'))
>>> op = Movea.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('3E49'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 1'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 7'
MOVEA.W #0, A1
>>> op = Movea.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('327C0000'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: 0'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 1'
>>> op = Movea.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('3043'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 3'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 0'
MOVEA.W ($0A0B).W, A6
>>> op = Movea.disassemble_instruction(bytearray.fromhex('3C780A0B'))
>>> str(op.src)
'EA Mode: EAMode.AWA, Data: 2571'
>>> str(op.dest)
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 6'
Parses some raw data into an instance of the opcode class
:param data: The data used to convert into an opcode instance
:return: The constructed instance or none if there was an error and
the amount of data in words that was used (e.g. extra for immediate
data) or 0 for not a match
assert len(data) >= 2, 'opcode size is at least 1 word'
# 'big' endian byte order
first_word = int.from_bytes(data[0:2], 'big')
ea_reg] = split_bits(first_word, [2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3])
# check opcode, size, and constant
if opcode_bin != 0b00 or (size_bin != 0b11 and size_bin != 0b10) or const_bin != 0b001:
return None
size = OpSize.WORD if size_bin == 0b11 else OpSize.LONG
src_ea = parse_ea_from_binary(ea_mode, ea_reg, size, True, data[OpSize.WORD.value:])
dest_ea = AssemblyParameter(EAMode.ARD, register_bin)
# when making the new Move, need to convert that MoveSize back into an OpSize
return cls([src_ea[0], dest_ea], size)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_str(cls, command: str, parameters: str):
Parses a MOVEA command from text.
>>> str(Movea.from_str('MOVEA.W', 'A5, A3'))
'Movea command: Size OpSize.WORD, src EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 5, dest EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 3'
>>> str(Movea.from_str('MOVEA.L', '(A0)+, A4'))
'Movea command: Size OpSize.LONG, src EA Mode: EAMode.ARIPI, Data: 0, dest EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 4'
:param command: The command itself (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command
(such as the source and destination of a move)
:return: The parsed command
return opcode_util.n_param_from_str(command, parameters, Movea, 2, OpSize.WORD)