Source code for easier68k.core.opcodes.opcode
from ...simulator.m68k import M68K
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
[docs]class Opcode(metaclass=ABCMeta):
The base class for all Opcodes. Each opcode is responsible for a few actions like
assembling instructions into hex,
executing itself in the simulator,
checking if a string matches the syntax of the opcode,
getting the length of this command in memory,
validating if the parameters for a command are valid,
and disassembling the instruction from bytes.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def assemble(self) -> bytes:
Assembles this opcode into hex to be inserted into memory
:return: The hex version of this opcode
[docs] @abstractmethod
def execute(self, simulator: M68K):
Executes this command in a simulator
:param simulator: The simulator to execute the command on
:return: Nothing
def __str__(self):
return "Generic command base"
[docs] @classmethod
def command_matches(cls, command: str) -> bool:
Checks whether a command string is an instance of this command type
:param command: The command string to check (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:return: Whether the string is an instance of this command type
[docs] @classmethod
def get_word_length(cls, command: str, parameters: str) -> int:
Gets what the end length of this command will be in memory
:param command: The text of the command itself (e.g. "LEA", "MOVE.B", etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command
:return: The length of the bytes in memory in words
[docs] @classmethod
def is_valid(cls, command: str, parameters: str) -> (bool, list):
Tests whether the given command is valid
:param command: The command itself (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command (such as the source and destination of a move)
:return: Whether the given command is valid and a list of issues/warnings encountered
[docs] @classmethod
def disassemble_instruction(cls, data: bytes):
Parses some raw data into an instance of the opcode class
:param data: The data used to convert into an opcode instance
:return: The constructed instance or none if there was an error and
the amount of data in words that was used (e.g. extra for immediate
data) or 0 for not a match
[docs] @classmethod
def from_str(cls, command: str, parameters: str):
Parses a command from text
:param command: The command itself (e.g. 'MOVE.B', 'LEA', etc.)
:param parameters: The parameters after the command (such as the source and destination of a move)
:return: The parsed command