# Parsing utils
from ..enum.ea_mode import EAMode
from ..models.assembly_parameter import AssemblyParameter
from ..enum.op_size import OpSize
[docs]def from_str_util(command: str, parameters: str) -> (OpSize, list, list):
Util method for from_str
Splits the command into both parts, gets the normalized size
and splits the parameters
>>> from_str_util('MOVE.B', '#123, D0')
(<OpSize.BYTE: 1>, ['#123', 'D0'], ['MOVE', 'B'])
>>> from_str_util('FAKEOP', '$AAAA, #123, $AAAA')
(<OpSize.WORD: 2>, ['$AAAA', '#123', '$AAAA'], ['FAKEOP'])
>>> from_str_util('NOPARAM.L', '')
(<OpSize.LONG: 4>, [''], ['NOPARAM', 'L'])
:param command: the command str
:param parameters: the parameters str
:return: size {str}, params {list} of str, parts - both sides of the command after split
parts = command.split('.') # split the command by . if specified
if len(parts) == 1:
size = 'W' # default size
size = parts[1]
# split parameters
params = parameters.split(',')
# strip away whitespace for the params
for x in range(len(params)):
params[x] = params[x].strip()
return OpSize.parse(size), params, parts
[docs]def parse_assembly_parameter(addr: str) -> AssemblyParameter:
Parses an effective addressing mode (such as D0, (A1), #$01)
and makes a new AssemblyParameter
>>> parse_assembly_parameter('D')
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('D3'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.DRD, Data: 3'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('A6'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARD, Data: 6'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('(A4)'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARI, Data: 4'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('(A2)+'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARIPI, Data: 2'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('(A2)-')) # Invalid, can't do "post-decrement"
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('($45).W'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.AWA, Data: 69'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('(%01010111).L'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.ALA, Data: 87'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('#$FF'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: 255'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('#$ABCD'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: 43981'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('#-1'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: -1'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('#-100'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.IMM, Data: -100'
>>> str(parse_assembly_parameter('-(A2)'))
'EA Mode: EAMode.ARIPD, Data: 2'
assert len(addr) >= 2
if addr[0] == 'D':
assert len(addr) == 2
assert 0 <= int(addr[1]) <= 7
return AssemblyParameter(EAMode.DRD, int(addr[1]))
if addr[0] == 'A':
assert len(addr) == 2
assert 0 <= int(addr[1]) <= 7
return AssemblyParameter(EAMode.ARD, int(addr[1]))
if addr[0] == '(': # ARI, ARIPI, ALA, or AWA
# Parse the inside of the parentheses
nested = ""
found_paren = False
i = 1
while i < len(addr):
if addr[i] == ')':
found_paren = True
nested += addr[i]
i += 1
assert found_paren
if addr[1] == 'A': # ARI or ARIPI
assert nested[0] == 'A'
assert nested[1].isnumeric()
assert 0 <= int(nested[1]) <= 7
if i == len(addr) - 1:
return AssemblyParameter(EAMode.ARI, int(nested[1]))
assert addr[i + 1] == '+'
return AssemblyParameter(EAMode.ARIPI, int(nested[1]))
# ALA or AWA
assert i == len(addr) - 3
assert addr[len(addr) - 1] == 'W' or addr[len(addr) - 1] == 'L'
return AssemblyParameter(EAMode.AWA if addr[len(addr) - 1] == 'W' else EAMode.ALA, parse_literal(nested))
if addr[0] == '#': # IMM
return AssemblyParameter(EAMode.IMM, parse_literal(addr[1:]))
if addr[0] == '-': # ARIPD
assert len(addr) == 5
assert addr[1] == '('
assert addr[2] == 'A'
assert addr[3].isnumeric()
assert 0 <= int(addr[3]) <= 7
assert addr[4] == ')'
return AssemblyParameter(EAMode.ARIPD, int(addr[3]))
return None
[docs]def parse_literal(literal: str) -> int:
Parses a literal (aka "1234" or "$A0F" or "%1001")
>>> parse_literal('$BA1')
>>> parse_literal('%01010111')
>>> parse_literal('57')
>>> parse_literal('400')
>>> parse_literal('-100')
>>> parse_literal('-1')
:param literal: A string containing the literal to parse
:return: The parsed literal (a bytearray type)
if literal[0] == '$': # Parsing a hex literal
if len(literal) % 2 == 0:
literal = literal[0] + '0' + literal[1:]
return int(literal[1:], 16)
if literal[0] == '%': # Parsing a binary literal
assert (len(literal) - 1) % 4 == 0 # Has to be divisible by 4 to convert into hex
hexed = hex(int(literal[1:], 2))[2:]
if len(hexed) % 2 == 1:
hexed = '0' + hexed
return int(hexed, 16)
# Integer literal
hexed = hex(int(literal)).replace('0x', '')
#if len(hexed) % 2 == 1:
# Odd length string, add 0 to the beginning
#hexed = '0' + hexed
return int(hexed, 16)
[docs]def has_label(line: str) -> bool:
Returns whether or not this line has a label in it (basically if it starts with a space or not)
:param line: The line to test
:return: Whether the test line has a label in it
>>> has_label('data DC.B $A3')
>>> has_label(' BEQ test')
>>> has_label(' TRAP #15')
>>> has_label(';start EQU $400')
stripped = strip_comments(line)
if not stripped.strip(): # The line is literally empty after removing comments
return False
return not strip_comments(line).startswith(' ')
[docs]def get_label(line: str) -> str:
Returns the label from a line (if it has one, if not returns None)
>>> get_label('test DC.B $0A')
>>> get_label(';test DC.B $0A') # should return nothing
>>> get_label(' BEQ test') # should return nothing
:param line: The line to get the label from
:return: The label in the line
if not has_label(line):
return None
stripped = strip_comments(line)
label = ''
for c in stripped:
if c == ' ':
label += c
return label
[docs]def strip_label(line: str) -> str:
Strips the label from a line, isolating the rest of the line
(side effect: also strips comments)
>>> strip_label('ORG start')
>>> strip_label('RTS ;comm')
>>> strip_label(';all commented')
>>> strip_label('MOVE D0, D1 * Moves D0 into D1')
'D0, D1 '
:param line: The line to strip the label from
:return: The stripped line
stripped = strip_comments(line)
if not stripped.strip(): # This line is literally empty after removing comments
return ''
to_return = ''
found_space = False
found_next = False
for c in stripped:
if c == ' ' and not found_space:
found_space = True
if c != ' ' and found_space and not found_next:
found_next = True
if found_next:
to_return += c
return to_return
[docs]def get_opcode(line: str) -> str:
Gets the opcode out of a line (with or without label)
>>> get_opcode('start EQU $400')
>>> get_opcode(' MOVE.B D0, D1')
>>> get_opcode('; start EQU $400')
:param line: The line to get the opcode from
:return: The opcode found in said line
stripped_comm = strip_comments(line)
if not stripped_comm.strip():
return ''
if has_label(stripped_comm):
stripped = strip_label(stripped_comm).strip()
stripped = stripped_comm.strip()
opcode = ''
for c in stripped:
if c == ' ':
opcode += c
return opcode.upper()
[docs]def strip_opcode(line: str) -> str:
Strips the opcode from a line
>>> strip_opcode('start EQU $400')
>>> strip_opcode(' MOVE.B D0, D1')
'D0, D1'
>>> strip_opcode(' RTS')
>>> strip_opcode('start EQU $400 ; comments!')
:param line: The line to strip the opcode from
:return: The line with the opcode stripped (as well as comments and labels)
stripped_comm = strip_comments(line)
if not stripped_comm.strip():
return ''
if has_label(stripped_comm):
stripped = strip_label(stripped_comm).strip()
stripped = stripped_comm.strip()
# We're now down to just the opcode + parameters, time to strip the opcode
post_op = ''
found_space = False
found_next = False
for c in stripped:
if c == ' ' and not found_space:
found_space = True
if c != ' ' and not found_next and found_space:
found_next = True
if found_next:
post_op += c
return post_op