Source code for easier68k.core.util.split_bits

[docs]def split_bits(word : int, amounts : list): """ takes in a word and a list of bit amounts and returns the bits in the word split up. See the doctests for concrete examples >>> [bin(x) for x in split_bits(0b1001111010000001, [16])] ['0b1001111010000001'] >>> [bin(x) for x in split_bits(0b1001111010000001, [8,8])] ['0b10011110', '0b10000001'] not the whole 16 bits! >>> [bin(x) for x in split_bits(0b1001111010000001, [8])] Traceback (most recent call last): AssertionError: expected to split exactly one word This is a test splitting MOVE.B (A1),D4 >>> [bin(x) for x in split_bits(0b0001001010000100, [2,2,3,3,3,3])] ['0b0', '0b1', '0b1', '0b10', '0b0', '0b100'] """ nums = [] pos = 0 for amount in amounts: # get a group of "amount" 1's mask = 2**amount - 1 # shift mask to the left so it aligns where the last # iteration ended off shift = 16 - amount - pos mask = mask << shift # update location in the word pos += amount # extract the relavent bits bits = word & mask # shift back and insert the list to be returned nums.append(bits >> shift) assert pos == 16, 'expected to split exactly one word' return nums