Source code for easier68k.assembler.assembler

from ..core.util.parsing import strip_comments, has_label, get_label, strip_label, get_opcode, strip_opcode, \
import types
import re
import binascii
from ..core import opcodes
from ..core.models.list_file import ListFile

from ..core.util.find_module import find_opcode_cls
# This *is* actually a necessary import due to using "reflection" style code further down
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from ..core.opcodes import *

MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION = 16777216  # 2^24

[docs]def for_line_stripped_comments(full_text: str): for line_index, line in enumerate(full_text.splitlines()): stripped = strip_comments(line) if not stripped.strip(): continue yield line_index + 1, stripped # line_index + 1 because here the line indices are zero-based
[docs]def for_line_opcode_parse(full_text: str): """ Yields the label (if it exists), opcode, and opcode contents for every line in a file :param full_text: The file text to parse :return: Yields the label (or None), opcode, and opcode contents (returns nothing) """ for line_index, stripped in for_line_stripped_comments(full_text): yield get_label(stripped) if has_label(stripped) else None, get_opcode(stripped), strip_opcode(stripped)
[docs]def find_labels(text: str) -> (dict, dict, list): """ Finds all labels from a file :param text: The text to search through for labels :return: In order, labels (dict of label to line index + label contents), equates (dict of label to contents), and issues (list of message + severity) """ labels = {} equates = {} issues = [] for line_index, stripped in for_line_stripped_comments(text): if has_label(stripped): label = get_label(stripped) # Remove extra spaces at this point because they're no use # and could only have negative implications label_contents = strip_label(stripped).strip() if label in labels.keys(): issues.append(('Label {} already declared'.format(label), 'ERROR')) else: labels[label] = (line_index, label_contents) if get_opcode(stripped) == 'EQU': equates[label] = strip_opcode(stripped) return labels, equates, issues
[docs]def replace_equates(contents: str, equates: dict) -> str: for equate in equates.items(): contents = contents.replace(equate[0], equate[1]) return contents
[docs]def replace_label_addresses(contents: str, label_addresses: dict) -> str: for label in label_addresses.items(): contents = contents.replace(label[0], '(${0:08x}).L'.format(label[1])) return contents
[docs]def replace_labels_with_temps(contents: str, labels: dict) -> str: """ Replaces all labels that we don't know the location for with temporary addresses ($00000000) :param contents: The string to replace labels :param labels: The labels :return: The string with labels replaced """ for label in labels.items(): contents = contents.replace(label[0], '($00000000).L') return contents
[docs]def parse(text: str) -> (ListFile, list): """ Parses an assembly file and returns a list file, along with errors/warnings from the parsing process. :param text: The assembly file text to parse :return: The parsed list file """ # --- PART 1: process for labels and equates --- labels, equates, issues = find_labels(text) # --- PART 2: process operations for sizing and lay out memory --- to_return = ListFile() current_memory_location = 0x00000000 label_addresses = {} # Stores all of the label memory locations for label, opcode, contents in for_line_opcode_parse(text): # Equates have already been processed, skip them # ENDs aren't processed until phase 3, skip them for now # (this idea could be expanded for more preprocessor directives) if opcode == 'EQU' or opcode == 'END': continue # Replace all substitutions in the current line with their corresponding values contents = replace_equates(contents, equates) # Replace all labels with temporary addresses because we don't know their actual values yet contents = replace_labels_with_temps(contents, labels) if label is not None: label_addresses[label] = current_memory_location to_return.define_symbol(label, current_memory_location) if opcode == 'ORG': # This will shift our current memory location, it's a special case try: new_memory_location = parse_literal(contents) except: issues.append(('Error parsing ORG value', 'ERROR')) continue if not (0 <= new_memory_location < MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION): issues.append(('ORG address must be between 0 and 2^24!', 'ERROR')) continue current_memory_location = new_memory_location # Update the label with the new address, if it exists if label is not None: label_addresses[label] = current_memory_location to_return.define_symbol(label, current_memory_location) continue # TODO: Possibly cache this (and the module search) for Part 3 later so we don't have to redo introspection? op_class = find_opcode_cls(opcode) # We don't know this opcode, there's no module for it if op_class is None: issues.append(('Opcode {} is not known: skipping and continuing'.format(opcode), 'ERROR')) continue length = op_class.get_word_length(opcode, contents) current_memory_location += length * 2 current_memory_location = 0x00000000 # --- PART 3: actually create the list file --- for l, opcode, contents in for_line_opcode_parse(text): # Equates have already been processed, skip them # (this idea could be expanded for more preprocessor directives) if opcode == 'EQU': continue # Replace all substitutions in the current line with their corresponding values contents = replace_equates(contents, equates) if opcode == 'END': # End doesn't take an absolute long address, replace it differently for label in label_addresses.items(): contents = contents.replace(label[0], '${:x}'.format(label[1])) else: # Replace all memory labels with their proper values (that's the difference in this step) contents = replace_label_addresses(contents, label_addresses) if opcode == 'ORG': # This will shift our current memory location, it's a special case try: new_memory_location = parse_literal(contents) except: # Don't need to print assertion, we already did that earlier continue if not (0 <= new_memory_location < MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION): continue current_memory_location = new_memory_location continue if opcode == 'END': # This will set our end memory location, it's a special case start_location = parse_literal(contents) if not (0 <= start_location < MAX_MEMORY_LOCATION): continue to_return.set_starting_execution_address(start_location) continue # TODO: Possibly use a cached version? op_class = find_opcode_cls(opcode) if op_class is None: issues.append(('Opcode {} is not known: skipping and continuing'.format(opcode), 'ERROR')) continue # check that the input is valid the opcode at the module level is_valid, issues = op_class.is_valid(opcode, contents) # for BRA and probably in the future JMP ops... # addr must be handed off so that they can pull an offset out of the operand address. if issubclass(op_class, bcc.branch_code): contents += ", " + str(current_memory_location) # if valid, then actually construct the opcode if is_valid: # get the length of the operation in # of words length = op_class.get_word_length(opcode, contents) # make the opcode data = op_class.from_str(opcode, contents) # ensure that the data was built correctly and append it if data is not None: # instead of converting to a string here, we should make this a method of the base opcode class to_return.insert_data(current_memory_location, str(binascii.hexlify(data.assemble()))[2:-1]) # Increment our memory counter current_memory_location += length * 2 return to_return, issues