easier68k.assembler package

The assembler modules are responsible for parsing and converting instructions into machine code.


easier68k.assembler.assembler module

easier68k.assembler.assembler.find_labels(text: str) -> (<class 'dict'>, <class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>)[source]

Finds all labels from a file :param text: The text to search through for labels :return: In order, labels (dict of label to line index + label contents), equates (dict of label to contents), and

issues (list of message + severity)
easier68k.assembler.assembler.for_line_opcode_parse(full_text: str)[source]

Yields the label (if it exists), opcode, and opcode contents for every line in a file :param full_text: The file text to parse :return: Yields the label (or None), opcode, and opcode contents (returns nothing)

easier68k.assembler.assembler.for_line_stripped_comments(full_text: str)[source]
easier68k.assembler.assembler.parse(text: str) -> (<class 'easier68k.core.models.list_file.ListFile'>, <class 'list'>)[source]

Parses an assembly file and returns a list file, along with errors/warnings from the parsing process. :param text: The assembly file text to parse :return: The parsed list file

easier68k.assembler.assembler.replace_equates(contents: str, equates: dict) → str[source]
easier68k.assembler.assembler.replace_label_addresses(contents: str, label_addresses: dict) → str[source]
easier68k.assembler.assembler.replace_labels_with_temps(contents: str, labels: dict) → str[source]

Replaces all labels that we don’t know the location for with temporary addresses ($00000000) :param contents: The string to replace labels :param labels: The labels :return: The string with labels replaced