A bot for the CSS Discord Server, written in C# using Discord.Net.

View the Project on GitHub Chris-Johnston/CSSBot

Counter Service Help
Course Channel Management
General Commands Help
Reminder Service Help
Tag Service Help

General Commands Help

This page will list information to use the general commands.

All examples are case-insensitive. ?ping will work the same as ?PING.


Replies back with a listing of all of the commands, and what parameters they take. Tries to direct message the user that sent the command.

The help text isn’t very good, this wiki may prove to be more useful.

Example: ?help

Help Here

Effectively the same as Help, but will post the help text in the same channel that the command was received in.

Example: ?helphere


A basic ping/pong command that replies back with the text “Pong!”.

Example: ?ping


A simple echo command that replies back with the text that you provide.


Example: ?echo test

About / GitHub

Replies back with a link to this GitHub repository, where users can find more information about the bot.


Example: ?about, ?github


Requires the Manage Messages permission.

Searches through an amount of messages less than 25, if they were sent by CSSBot, then they get deleted. Also will attempt to delete the message that issued the command.


Example: ?cleanup 25

Requires the user permission to embed links.

Replies back with text explaining how to invite the bot to the server, and the invite link for it.


Example: ?InviteLink


Replies back with debug information about the bot, including it’s uptime, memory usage, and count of number of servers it is in.

Example: ?debug