A bot for the CSS Discord Server, written in C# using Discord.Net.

View the Project on GitHub Chris-Johnston/CSSBot

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Reminder Service Help

The reminder service provides a way to post a reminder for a specific date and time about an event, homework, or whatever else. Reminders will update the channel on some set intervals before they expire, to remind them in advance before they expire.

By default, reminders will update 1 Day before, 1 Hour before and when the reminder expires. Any interval of time (including notifications after the expiration time) should work, so reminders could push a notification 3 hours overdue, for example.

All of these commands have a group prefix of “Reminder”, with an alias of “R”. This means that you can type ?Reminder ... and ?R ... and they should behave the same.

Add / Create / + / AddReminder / CreateReminder / NewReminder

Makes a new reminder with the given date/time and description.



Example: ?r add "11PM" Make better docs for CSSBot.

Add Channel / Create Channel / +Channel

Requires the Manage Messages user permission.

Makes a new channel reminder with the given date/time and description. Channel reminders will mention @here when they notify and expire.



Example: ?r addchannel "11PM" Make better docs for CSSBot.

Add Server / Create Server / +Server / AddGuild / CreateGuild / +Guild

Requires the Manage Messages user permission.

Makes a new guild reminder with the given date/time and description. guild reminders will mention @everyone when they notify and expire.



Example: ?r addguild "11PM" Make better docs for CSSBot.

List Type Options / List Types / List Type

Lists all the valid types of notifications. Normally, these are Author (@mentions the author of the reminder when it updates), Channel (mentions @here), Guild (mentions @everyone), and Default (no mentions).


Example: ?r listtype

Add Reminder Timespan

Requires the Manage Messages permission, or that you are the author of a reminder being edited.

Adds a timespan before the expiration of a Reminder to the list of times for the Reminder to send a notification.

For example, if your reminder expires at midnight, and you wish to be notified 2 hours beforehand, you would add a timespan of “2:00:00”, or 2 hours. In addition, you can also add notifications after the reminder expires. To be notified 2 hours after the expiration, you would add a timespan of “-2:00:00”, or -2 hours.

If the timespan added would already be expired when it is added, it will not be added.



Example: ?r addremindertimespan 123 "1.2:00:00" ?r addremindertimespan 123 "-3:00:00"

Remove Reminder Timespan

Requires the Manage Messages permission, or that you are the author of a reminder being edited.

Removes a matching timespan from a reminder.



Example: ?r removeupdate 123 "1.2:00:00" ?r removetime 123 "-3:00:00"

Update Text

Requires the Manage Messages permission, or that you are the author of a reminder being edited.

Sets the text for a reminder.



Example: ?r UpdateText 123 this is some new reminder text

Update Time

Requires the Manage Messages permission, or that you are the author of a reminder being edited.

Sets the time for a reminder.



Example: ?r UpdateTime 123 "4/16/18 5PM"

Update Type

Requires the Manage Messages permission, or that you are the author of a reminder being edited.

Changes the type of reminder.



Example: ?r ChangeType 123 Author

Dismiss Reminder

Requires the Manage Messages permission, or that you are the author of a reminder being edited.

Closes a reminder. This action cannot be undone. All of the reminder data is permanently deleted.



Example: ?r Dismiss 123

Get Reminder Info

Gets the info about a reminder by it’s ID.



Example: ?r get 123

Get All Reminders in Server

Gets all of the reminders in a server. This will also include any reminders that have been created in private channels, and can expose the names of private channels.


Example: ?r listguild

Get All Reminders in Channel

Gets all of the reminders of a text channel.



Example: ?r reminders

Get All Reminders for User

Gets all of the reminders for a user in a guild. This will also include any reminders that have been created in private channels, and can expose the names of private channels.



Example: ?r list ?r list @ChrisJ#8703 ?r list 123123123123